How to change reactor build order of Maven built projects

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How do i change the build order to allow [Object] to be built ahead of [EJB]?

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Car Booking Management Microsite Application
[INFO] Car Booking Management Microsite Application [EJB]
[INFO] Car Booking Management Microsite Application [Object]
[INFO] Car Booking Management Microsite Application [Web]
[INFO] Car Booking Management Microsite Application [DAO]
[INFO] Car Booking Management Microsite Application [EAR]
2012-04-04 01:41
by Oh Chin Boon
Can you share the relevant pom snippet as well as the command you are running? Also, is EJB dependant on Object - Raghuram 2012-04-04 04:25


The easiest way is to add a dependency from EJB to Object.

But if that dependency doesn't exist, why do you care which one builds first?

2012-04-04 05:20
by ptyx
Does it mean that build order is determined implicitly by Maven - Oh Chin Boon 2012-04-04 15:46
When inside a reactor, maven guarantees that projects are built in dependency order. Which makes sense as you want your downstream projects to be built using your upstream/library code rather than some potentially stale artifact obtained from who knows where - ptyx 2012-04-05 02:22