May I know what is the function to be use in order to round up the column value into 2 decimals point with percentage symbol? E.g: 1.88% instead of 1.88230293
$worksheet_details->setCellValue("D14", "=SUM((F33 / F34))");
How do I round up the value in cell D14?
By the way, after I keep continue look for the solution from the Internet and I got this...
$percentageFormat = '#.## \%;[Red]-#.## \%';
$worksheet_details->setCellValue("C14", "=SUM((C33 / C34) * 100)");
just change the first # to 0 if you want it display in 0.xx format... or else it will display .xx only
If you just want it to be outputted as a string:
echo '%'.number_format($your_number,2);
If you want to retain it as a numerical float value (but compromise on the percentage):
echo round($your_number,2);
If you're looking for an Excel function, use:
$worksheet_details->setCellValue('D14', '=TEXT(F33/F34,"0.00%")');
I guess you are looking for ROUND()
=ROUND(10/3; 2)
or, in your case:
$worksheet_details->setCellValue("D14", "=ROUND(SUM((F33 / F34)); 2)");
If you mean to round in PHP, with round() you can specify the precision you want a float number:
echo round(1.95583, 2) . "%"; // 1.96%
If you mean to round in Excel, you can use the ROUND function:
$worksheet_details->setCellValue("D14", "=TEXT(SUM((F33 / F34)), '###.##%')");
$worksheet_details->setCellValue("D14", "=TEXT(SUM((F33 / F34)/100), '###.##%')");
if the number is a percentage already.
Hope it helps.
If you want to display in percent number format you can try this.
$percentVal = '95.6';
PHPExcel_Cell::setValueBinder( new PHPExcel_Cell_AdvancedValueBinder() );
$percentCell->setValue($percentVal . '%');
$sheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($percentCellIndex, $dataRow)->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode('0.0%');
// Output 95.6% and formatted as number in Excel