if (!existed_channel.Contains(channel_name))
if (x)
tabpagex.BackColor = Color.Ivory;
client_chat c = new client_chat(channel_name, owner); //Here the client_chat is my Winform that do all the chatting thing.
c.TopLevel = false;
c.Visible = true;
c.BackColor = Color.Ivory;
c.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
c.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
tabControl1.TabPages[tab_index].Controls.Add(c); //Here i fill up the tabpage with client_chat winform
tab_index++; //Increment the index everytime i add an tabpage.
existed_channel.Add(channel_name); //Add the name of the page to an arraylist, to make sure everytime there is no duplicate page
As you can see, when i close one of my Winform(on the tabpage), i have to send back data and modify the tab_index. I am able to close both Winform and tabpage, but struggling how to send the data back. I know how to send back data from childForm to parentForm, but the situation here is little different.
You could use a global property on the parent that all controls have access to
, it instantiates a new reference. You need to do something like tabControl1.Parent.tab_index--
Justin Pihony 2012-04-04 02:14
But it doesn't work, the tab_index is not the right value, its 0 every time before i close the form - qwr qwr 2012-04-04 01:45