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Comparing version numbers
I have my app version saved as an NSString. The version is in the format x.y.z, or x.y (where x,y,z represent integers).
If I want to compare 2 versions (ie: 2 strings representing 2 different/same versions), what is the best way to go about doing this?
, but if you need to do relative comparisons and partial comparisons then it requires thought and a plan based on how much flexibility you need. (But note that componentsSeparatedByString:
can nicely divide a dot-separated version ID. - Hot Licks 2012-04-04 00:33
i had the same problem and couldn't make it work. I finally decided to save version with NSNumber ...saved me a lot of time ...so i suggest you do the same
if you already have the app in the App Store...just do something like:
NSString *string = <get version>
if ([string isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]){
update version and save as NSNumber
using NSString to save version may seem like a good idea at first but its tricky when you try to update the app. Using NSNumber is easier because it ...well..uses numbers
so i looked through NSScanner Class Reference and came up with this solution:
int i1,i2,i3;
NSScanner *scanner =[NSScanner alloc]initWithString:string];
BOOL scanI1 = [scanner scanInteger:&i1];
[scanner setScanLocation:3];
BOOL scanI2 = [scanner scanInteger:&i2];
[scanner setScanLocation:5];
BOOL scanI3 = [scanner scanInteger:&i3];
[scanner release];
it's not pretty but it should work
, checking whether it's an NSString
will always return a true value.. - Itai Ferber 2012-04-04 00:40
There are about a million ways you could go about this, but here is a quick example:
void versionStringComponents(NSString* versionStr_, NSInteger* major__, NSInteger* minor__, NSInteger* bugfix__)
NSArray* elements = [versionStr_ componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
*major__ = [[elements objectAtIndex:0] intValue];
*minor__ = [[elements objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
*bugfix__ = 0;
if([elements count] > 2)
*bugfix__ = [[elements objectAtIndex:2] intValue];
bool versionLessThan(NSString* versionStr1_, NSString* versionStr2_)
NSInteger major1 = 0, minor1 = 0, bugfix1 = 0;
versionStringComponents(versionStr1_, &major1, &minor1, &bugfix1);
NSInteger major2 = 0, minor2 = 0, bugfix2 = 0;
versionStringComponents(versionStr2_, &major2, &minor2, &bugfix2);
return (
major1 < major2 ||
(major1 == major2 && minor1 < minor2) ||
(major1 == major2 && minor1 == minor2 && bugfix1 < bugfix2)
Obviously this is a quick little hack, as versionStringComponents()
just blindly separates the version numbers from a string, turns them into ints, etc. Also, it could use a few more comparison functions, but I'm sure you can figure those out.
This link, as mentioned by Saphrosit, is a much shorter way of accomplishing the same task, but requires the use of code from the Sparkle framework.