I want to associate URLs with items in a string array so that when an item in a ListView is selected data is scraped from the URL. I was wondering could the URL be added as metadata in the strings.xml file? Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to proceed?
Strings.xml isn't the right place. You COULD define the URLs, one at a time, in strings.xml, like this:
<string name="url1">http://foo1.com</string>
<string name="url2">http://foo2.com</string>
// etc
And then create an array at runtime, dumping all these values in one-by-one. But that would suck.
Instead, create an xml file in res/values/, name it whatever you want (for instance, urlvals.xml), and populate it like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<array name="urls">
Then, in code, reference it in the following way:
String[] myUrls = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.urls);
If you want an array of string resources, you can either:
1) add the strings in strings.xml
(as per @Alexander's answer), and reference them by name in an array in values/yourresourcename.xml as per here.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<array name="myLinks">
2) add them directly the string array (verbatim) like @Alexander suggests
How you associate them with the elements in the ListView is up to you. I would suggest (if the content is static) creating a matching string array for (e.g.) the string you want to actually display (as opposed to the link itself).