How do I get the tag of a button from an inflated table? I have the following code so far, now how do I get the tag from a button when I press a button?
TableLayout table = (TableLayout)findViewById(;
for (int i = 0; i < jlen; i++) {
// Inflate
TableRow row = (TableRow)LayoutInflater.from(UpdateScheduleActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.schedulerow, null);
in your case
btn = (Button)**row**.findViewById(;
hope this will help you
You should get a reference to the button in your onItemClick or onClickListener, from there just use view.getTag()
As ByteMe said, you need to set onClickListener for your button. Something like that may work:
((Button)row.findViewById( OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
((Button) v).getTag();
// Do whatever you like when the button is pressed.