What is the default transaction isolation level for SQL Server with ADO.NET? I am using a default installation of SQL Server and just the normal System.Data.SqlClient classes.
with ADO.NET
? I believe irrespective of the provider w.r.t. the client side programming world (Java, .Net, Python etc) the default is driven by the database engine and NOT the provider. So the default isolation level for SQL Server should remain same irrespective of whether you are using ADO.NET or any other client side provider to connect to a SQL Server database. Kindly correct me if I'm wrong - RBT 2016-08-24 02:46
READ COMMITTED is the default isolation level for the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine.
Here is how it compares to other isolation levels:
The MSDN documentation for SqlConnection.BeginTransaction()
also states Read committed
... To reset the isolation level to the default (READ COMMITTED) ...
By default, the isolation level for TransactionScope is Serializable which provides the highest level of protection.
See below link for more information: