Need to automate de creation of a html Family Tree

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I need do automate (is that a word?) the creation of a Family Tree in html. I don't have many knowledge of this language, so I need a simple code (or guidelines to it) that allows me to create a simple family tree. Just the basic stuff like a box for the Name and DOB of a person and a arrow pointing to its relatives (children, parents and brothers).

2012-04-03 23:33
by danielnovais92
Any reason you don't want to use one of the many existing services - Michael Mior 2012-04-03 23:53


As the term automate is used here. I suppose you are trying to create the HTML elements without actually having it in the HTML page. So, here is a way you can create a HTML and the tree structure subsequently.

var div = $("<div />")
div.append("<div id='another' />")
div.append("<div id='next' />")

This create a div, puts two other div inside it, and is appended in the body tag.

2012-04-04 00:06
by Starx