Using Loops for prompts with If/Else/Esif

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I started with:

    puts "Hello there, and what's your favorite number?"
    favnum = gets.to_i
    puts "Your favorite number is #{favnum}?" " A better favorite number is #{favnum + 1}!"
    puts "Now, what's your favorite number greater than 10?"
    favnumOverTen = gets.to_i
    if favnumOverTen < 10
        puts "Hey! I said GREATER than 10! Try again buddy."
        puts "Your favorite number great than 10 is #{favnumOverTen}?"
        puts "A bigger and better number over 10 is #{favnumOverTen * 10}!"
puts "It's literally 10 times better!"

That worked fine, but if the user entered a number less than 10 the program ended. I want the user to be prompted to try again until they enter a number greater than 10. Am I supposed to do that with a loop?

Here's what I took a swing at, but clearly it's wrong:

    puts "Hello there, and what's your favorite number?"
    favnum = gets.to_i
    puts "Your favorite number is #{favnum}?" " A better favorite number is #{favnum + 1}!"
    puts "Now, what's your favorite number greater than 10?"
    favnumOverTen = gets.to_i
    if favnumOverTen < 10
        puts "Hey! I said GREATER than 10! Try again buddy."
        favnumOverTen = gets.to_i
    until favnumOverTen > 10
        puts "Your favorite number great than 10 is #{favnumOverTen}?"
        puts "A bigger and better number over 10 is #{favnumOverTen * 10}!"
puts "It's literally 10 times better!"
2012-04-03 23:23
by Dante


A better solution would be to get the favorite number of 10 once, then start an until loop checking for favnumOverTen > 10 like this:

puts "What is your favorite number greater than 10?"
favnumOverTen = gets.to_i
until favnumOverTen > 10 do
  puts "Hey! I said GREATER than 10! Try again buddy."
  favnumOverTen = gets.to_i

This way, if the initial entry is greater than 10, the until loop is never executed (saves you the if statement).

Also, just so you're aware, it's not considered idiomatic Ruby to write variable names using camel case (i.e. favnumOverTen should be favnum_over_ten).

2012-04-03 23:57
by Paul Simpson
Thanks for the tip about camel case. The book I was reading said to use it. It seems a lot of Ruby code is just based around personal preference. I prefer the way you did it because it offers readability, however at the same time it makes lines a little longer. I'll have to figure out which one I like best.. - Dante 2012-04-04 03:34


Here's a way that's a little shorter than the previous two:

puts "Now, what's your favorite number greater than 10?"
until (favnumOverTen = gets.to_i) > 10
  puts "Hey! I said GREATER than 10! try again buddy."

This works because assignment returns the value assigned to the variable.

2012-04-04 00:06
by Jwosty
+1 that's nicely done - joelparkerhenderson 2012-04-04 00:08
This works, and is certainly not a bad way to illustrate that "everything in Ruby returns something", however I feel like for just two lines you are giving up a lot of readability - Paul Simpson 2012-04-04 00:13
@PaulSimpson The way you did it is a little repetitive (two duplicate lines), that's why I made this post. You've probably seen the while line = gets ... example many a tim - Jwosty 2012-04-04 00:26
@joelparkerhenderson Thanks - Jwosty 2012-04-04 00:26
Thank you! The syntax of when I can use what where is kicking my butt. With help from people like you, I'll get through this - Dante 2012-04-04 03:36