Trying to come up with a succinct way to create a named query with NOT IN clause. Restrictions class does not seem to have a "not in" construct. Anyone know a good way to do this?
static namedQueries = {
activeOnly {
eq 'active', true
open {
ne 'state', this.STATE_COMPLETED
my { user ->
or {
eq 'createdBy', user
eq 'reviewer', user
eq 'assignee', user
eq 'requestedFor', user
ilike 'notifyList', "%$user%"
topLevel {
not {'in'('type', [RequestType.Part])}
Note: the word 'in'must be quoted because its reserved.
These named queries can be used like this:
Maybe sombething like this:
Book.findAll("from Book b where not in (?)", ['Borges', 'Sabato', 'Cortazar'])
or using a criteria
Book.withCriteria {
not {
'in'('author', ['Borges', 'Sabato', 'Cortazar'])
} - the docs for 'in' criterion method has a chained 'not' method also.