I created a group and then scaled.I want only copy the shape of the scaled group not other attributes.Especially I want to get rid of transformed matrix.I need a new group independent of the scaled one. I don't know if it is possible to do this? Here the code:
Group for the car:
<svg id="game" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" onload="loadFunction()" >
<!-- Car -->
<g id="exCar" x="50" y="500" transform="" >
<path id="front" d="M 40 500 Q 110 450 110 500 L 40 500" fill="pink" stroke="black" />
<path id="window" d="M 40 500 L 50 530 L 100 530 L 110 500 L 40 500 "stroke="black" />
<path id="sides" d="M 40 500 L 40 580 L 50 560 Q 55 550 50 530 L 40 500 M 110 500 L 110 580 L 100 560 Q 95 550 100 530 L 110 500" fill="pink" stroke="black" />
<path id ="back" d="M 40 580 L 100 560 L 40 580" fill="pink" stroke="blue" />
<path id="wheels" d="M 40 475 L 30 475 L 30 500 L 40 500 z M 110 475 L 120 475 L 120 500 L 110 500 z M 40 545 L 30 545 L 30 570 L 40 570 z" fill="yellow" stroke="black" />
<image id="carpicture2" x="50" y="455" xlink:href="img.jpg"></image>
<text id="carName" x="50" y="575"></text>
Button to call the function :
<rect x="120" y="600" width="80" height="30" stroke:#FF0066" onclick="cloning()"/>
Function to copy :
function cloning() {
var newCar = document.getElementById("exCar").cloneNode(true);
newCar.setAttribute("x", 400);
newCar.setAttribute("y", 600);
Scaling :
"matrix(" + result / 100 + ",0,0," + result / 100 + ","
+ (x - (result / 100 * x)) + "," + (y - (result / 100 * y))
+ ")");
(result is calculated from slider bar )
Ok I think I understand the problem now, you are doing the cloning on click, so the exCar is already scaled at that point.
I guess the only option is to clear the trasnformation matrix inside the cloning function:
newCar.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0)");
And make a translation:
newCar.setAttribute("transform", "translate(350,100)");