My question is related to a previous question in the forum - Number of 1s in the two's complement binary representations of integers in a range There was no 'add comment' for me.So i am asking it here The question was to count the number of 1's in writing down all numbers in 2's complement form,which are in a range specified by two input numbers The solution is posted at It is as below
long long solve(int a)
if(a == 0) return 0 ;
if(a % 2 == 0) return solve(a - 1) + __builtin_popcount(a) ;
return ((long long)a + 1) / 2 + 2 * solve(a / 2) ;
long long solve(int a,int b)
if(a >= 0)
long long ret = solve(b) ;
if(a > 0) ret -= solve(a - 1) ;
return ret ;
long long ret = (32LL * -(long long)a) - solve(~a) ;
if(b > 0) ret += solve(b) ;
else if(b < -1)
b++ ;
ret -= (32LL * -(long long)b) - solve(~b) ;
return ret ;
When the input is 4 //No of test cases
-1 //first number -2 //Second number Output 0
-1 -3 Output -31
-3 -5 Output -30 //how can number of 1's be -30
1 2 Output 2
Since the code is posted as Codesprint solutions on InterviewStreet and a highly voted answer on this forum.It should have been correct. Can anyone explain the logic behind the line long long ret = (32LL * -(long long)a) - solve(~a) in solve(int a,int b) And what is the purpose of #define INF (int)1e9 //setting value of infinity when not using it?
The wrong results for your inputs
-1 -2
-1 -3
-3 -5
are because the programme assumes that the two limits are entered in ascending order and does no checks, therefore input not conforming to that expectation produces wrong results. A simple
if (b < a) {
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
at the beginning of int solve(int a, int b)
would make it return the correct result for input in any order.
The logic behind long long ret = (32LL * -(long long)a) - solve(~a)
is that (in twos' complement) the bitwise complement of n
is ~n = (-n)-1
. The total number of bits (0 or 1) in the numbers from a
to -1
- both inclusive - is 32 * |a|
if a < 0
. From that count, we subtract the total number of 0 bits in these numbers, which is the total number of 1-bits in their bitwise complements. These bitwise complements are the numbers from 0 to |a| - 1 = ~a
, both inclusive, the count of 1-bits among these is given by solve(|a| - 1) = solve(~a)