Trying to compute a harmonic series.
Right now I'm entering the number I want the addition to go up to.
When I enter a small number like 1.2, the program just stops, doesn't crash, it seems to be doing calculations.
BUt it never finishes the program
here is my code
xor r14,r14 ;zero out r14 register
add r14, 2 ;start counter at 2
fld1 ;load 1 into st0
fxch st2
mov [divisor], r14 ;put 1 into st0
fidiv dword [divisor] ;divide st0 by r14
inc r14 ;increment r14
fst qword [currentSum] ;pop current sum value into currentSum
jmp addParts
fld qword [currentSum]
fadd st2 ;add result of first division to 1
fxch st2 ;place result of addition into st2
fld qword [realNumber] ;place real number into st0
;compare to see if greater than inputed value
fcom st2 ;compare st0 with st2
fstsw ax ;needed to do floating point comparisons on FPU
sahf ;needed to do floating point comaprisons on FPU
jg done ;jump if greater than
jmp denomLoop ;jump if less than
The code is basically computing the 1/2 or 1/3 or 1/4 and adding it to a running sum, then compares to see if i've reached a value above what I entered, once it has it should exit the loop
do you guys see my error?
This line seems suspicious:
fst qword [currentSum] ;pop current sum value into currentSum
contrary to the comment, fst
stores the top of the stack into memory WITHOUT popping it. You want fstp
if you want to pop it.
Overall, the stack behavior of your program seems suspicious -- it pushes various things onto the fp stack but never pops anything. After a couple of iterations, the stack will overflow and wrap around. Depending on your settings, you'll then either get an exception or get bogus values if you don't have exceptions enabled.
is (logically)jump if less than OR equal
. There's no good reason to use 387 code on x86-64. SSE is more orthogonal than the clumsy, stack-based ISA - and makes things like compares, etc., much easier - Brett Hale 2012-04-04 05:06