Get automatic date in iOS

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It is possible in iOS to change the date and the time manually. Now I use the date to validate the license of the application. Is there a way to get the automatic date and not set by the user. If it is not possible, can you suggest another way to achieve the same effect?

Thanks for any suggestions

2012-04-03 22:20
by LuckyStarr
Yep, get the time off the network somewhere - Hot Licks 2012-04-03 23:10
You "validate the license"? Why do you need to do that? If you do an AppStore-App, you should rely on Apples licensing only, everything else is going to frustrate and confuse your users - Ahti 2012-04-03 23:26
i'm registered at iOS Developer Enterprise Progra - LuckyStarr 2012-04-04 08:08
possible duplicate of Network Time Protocol for iPhonewoz 2013-03-26 17:27


Use an NTP (network time protocol) remote service, but you'll have to implement a client for ios.

2012-04-03 22:25
by Panagiotis


You might be interested in this question: Network Time Protocol for iPhone

More specifically, this is an open source wrapper for NTP:

2012-04-04 06:37
by Louis