How to properly compare lists

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Compare two Lists for differences

this is myfunction

    public List<String[]> comparableListsAreTheSame(List<String> baseList, List<String> resultList, int type)
        if (type == 1) { }

        List<String> baseListCopy = baseList;
        List<String> resultListCopy = resultList;

        bool sameLength = (baseListCopy.Count == resultList.Count); // are 2 lists have the same length?

        List<String> Base = baseListCopy.Except(resultListCopy, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList(); //Keep unique values 
        List<String> Result = resultListCopy.Except(baseListCopy, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList(); //Keep unique values 

        List<String[]> blocksComparisonSet1 = new List<String[]>(); //we add blocks based on list1; so we could output them to excel
        List<String[]> blocksComparisonSet2 = new List<String[]>(); //we add blocks based on list2; so we could output them to excel
        List<String[]> blocksComparisonFinal = new List<String[]>(); //we combine list1 and list


        if (Result.Count > 0 || Base.Count > 0)
            foreach (String resultLine in Result) //loop over all lines in list 1
                bool found = false; //if element in base i
                String[] resultLineArray = resultLine.Split('*'); //get array from the string
                foreach (String baseLine in Base)
                    String[] baseLineArray = baseLine.Split('*');
                    if (resultLineArray[0].Equals(baseLineArray[0]) && resultLineArray[1].Equals(baseLineArray[1]) && resultLineArray[2].Equals(baseLineArray[2]) && resultLineArray[3].Equals(baseLineArray[3]))
                        String[] NA = new String[2]; //keep results
                        NA[0] = baseLine; //[0] for base
                        NA[1] = resultLine; //[1] for result
                        found = true;

                if (!found)
                    String[] NA = new String[2]; //keep results
                    NA[0] = "N/A"; //[0] for base
                    NA[1] = resultLine; //[1] for result

            foreach (String baseLine in Base) //loop over all lines in list 2
                bool found = false; //if element in base i
                String[] baseLineArray = baseLine.Split('*'); //get array from the string
                foreach (String resultLine in Result)
                    String[] resultLineArray = resultLine.Split('*');
                    if (resultLineArray[0].Equals(baseLineArray[0]) && resultLineArray[1].Equals(baseLineArray[1]) && resultLineArray[2].Equals(baseLineArray[2]) && resultLineArray[3].Equals(baseLineArray[3]))
                        String[] NA = new String[2]; //keep results
                        NA[0] = baseLine; //[0] for base
                        NA[1] = resultLine; //[1] for result
                        found = true;

                if (!found)
                    String[] NA = new String[2]; //keep results
                    NA[0] = baseLine; //[0] for base
                    NA[1] = "N/A"; //[1] for result

        if (blocksComparisonSet1.Any() || blocksComparisonSet2.Any()) //check if we have any values in out differences lists. if we do, merge them
            blocksComparisonFinal.AddRange(blocksComparisonSet1); //add records from one list to final list
            blocksComparisonFinal.AddRange(blocksComparisonSet2); //add records from second list to final list
            HashSet<String[]> s = new HashSet<String[]>(blocksComparisonFinal);
            blocksComparisonFinal = s.ToList();
        blocksComparisonFinal = blocksComparisonSet1.Union(blocksComparisonSet2, new ArrayEqualityComparer<string>()).ToList();
        return blocksComparisonFinal;

I am new to C# and programming in general and I did multiple loops and matched everything in pretty barabric way. Can I approach it more professional way and do it cleaner and PROPER?

2012-04-03 21:07
by Andrew
Define what you mean by list 'equality' - Kendall Frey 2012-04-03 21:15
Probably better suited to - phoog 2012-04-03 21:15
What's the type parameter for? In general, you could create a class that implements IEqualityComparer<List<string[]>> and/or a class that implements IEqualityComparer<string[]> to simplify your code considerably - phoog 2012-04-03 21:18
It seems like you're trying to do a lot more than just determine if the two lists are equal...could you explain a little more about what you are trying to accomplish - Ethan Brown 2012-04-03 21:20


If you are checking if listA and listB have the same elements you can use this extension method:

public static IEnumerable<TSource> Intersect<TSource>
    this IEnumerable<TSource> first,
    IEnumerable<TSource> second,
    Func<TSource, TSource, bool> comparer
    return first.Intersect(second, new LambdaComparer<TSource>(comparer));

Which uses the LambdaComparer class.

You can then compare them in this manner:

var compared = listA.Intersect(listB, (a, b) => a == b);
if(compared.Count() == listA.Count())
   // they are the same
   // they are not
2012-04-03 21:50
by Chuck Savage


I have just a couple of comments.

Your innermost foreach loops can be replaced with List.Contains methods. You're adding a bunch of overhead by splitting it into an array and then looping through that array when you can just compare the strings directly.

Also, your second loop that is looping over all of the lines in list 2 only needs to keep track of the misses, not the hits. The first loop finds the items in (1 & 2) and (1 & not 2) so the second loop is only needed to find the items that are (not 1 & 2) if that makes sense. That will also make it so you won't have to merge the hit/miss lists together at the end.

If you were inclined to sort the lists first, you can do this much more efficiently and cleanly.

I hope this can help.

2012-04-03 21:37
by user1308985