Will local variables still be in scope on an Ajax call back?

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I want to call an internal function once an ajax call back function is activated. Because there is a delay I want to know if my local variables will still be correct when it is called, particularly this.response_element as it is used by the call back function.

The callback function is initiated when ajax status == 200

var ControlSignIn = function( ) 
    this.form_element = document.getElementById( 'signin' ),
    this.response_element = document.getElementById( 'signin_response' ),
    this.text_object = new Text( this.form_element ), 
    this.message_object = new Message( this.response_element );

ControlSignIn.interface = function()
    new ControlSignIn().invoke();

ControlSignIn.prototype.invoke = function( ) 
    if( CONSTANT.VALIDATE_ON === 1 )
        if( !this.text_object.checkEmpty() ) 
            this.message_object.display( 'empty' );
            return false;
        if( !this.text_object.checkPattern( 'email' ) ) 
            this.message_object.display( 'email' );
            return false;
        if( !this.text_object.checkPattern( 'pass' ) ) 
            this.message_object.display( 'pass' );
            return false;

/* new internal call_back */    

        AjaxNew.use( ajaxSerialize( this.form_element ) + '&ajax_type=ControlSignIn', ControlSignIn.invoke.callBack );

    function callBack( server_response_text )
        ajaxType( server_response_text, this.response_element, 'respond' ); 

/*  Removed
    Ajax.repeatUse( ajaxSerialize( this.form_element ) + '&ajax_type=ControlSignIn', ajaxTypeRespond, this.response_element );



AjaxNew.use( ajaxSerialize( this.form_element ) + '&ajax_type=ControlSignIn', ControlSignIn.invoke.callBack );

var response_element = this.response_element;
function callBack( server_response_text )
    ajaxType( server_response_text, response_element, 'respond' ); 
2012-04-03 20:53
by NoName


No, it won't. Eventhough the property may be intact, this won't point to the object.

Copy the value to a local variable, and use a function literal, then the local variable will be catched in the closure for the function and kept intact and accessible:

var element = this.response_element;
  ajaxSerialize(this.form_element) + '&ajax_type=ControlSignIn',
  function(server_response_text) {
    ajaxType(server_response_text, element, 'respond'); 
2012-04-03 21:02
by Guffa
It works thanks - NoName 2012-04-03 21:18


The answer is yes and no. Yes, local variables will still be around, but the this reference is always reset on every function call. Thus the callback will have its own this value.

The solution is to leverage the "yes" part of the answer and save your this reference in another variable. Then you use that variable (instead of this) in the callback.

Now, that said, the structure of your code confuses me a little and I can't exactly tell how your "callback" is supposed to work; that is, it references this but I don't see how it expects it to be set.

2012-04-03 20:59
by Pointy
You're probably thinking about using someFunction.call( what_this_should_be, arg, arg ...)Pointy 2012-04-03 21:02