I am new to the web development. I have a code that's supposed to change images when clicked on the image, and change the image back when released. And also it counts how many times it is clicked. I was building and testing this code on Safari and I didn't had any problems. It works just as expected on Safari. However it does not work on Chrome and IE (I haven't tested any other browsers).
I was normally working with HTML5 Boilerplate however I reduced the code so that I can show here (This version doesn't work too).
I have given the code of the page below. What should I do to make it work on every browser. What is the reason that it acts differently on browsers?
Thanks in advance
<script type="text/javascript">
var count = 0;
function incrementCount()
document.getElementById( "count").innerHTML = count;
function pushTheButton()
document.images("bigRedButton").src = "img/pressed.gif";
return true;
function releaseTheButton()
document.images("bigRedButton").src = "img/unpressed.gif";
return true;
<div role="main">
<img src = "img/unpressed.gif" name="bigRedButton" onmousedown="pushTheButton()" onmouseup="releaseTheButton()" onclick="incrementCount()"/>
Click Count:<p id="count">0</p>
When testing in Chrome, remember to use its JavaScript console to watch for errors. In this case, it returns the following:
Uncaught TypeError: Property 'images' of object # is not a function
Your problem is on lines 18 and 24, when you attempt to access document.images("bigRedButton") -- document.images is an array (or possibly an object), not a function. It should be:
I don't know why it worked on Safari.
document.images is documented a integer-indexed array of images. To be really sure, you should use:
document.images[0].src = ...
Although accessing the image by using the name works in many cases as well.