I am dynamically creating ListViewItem descendants:
class Application : ListViewItem {
. . .
class LegacyApplication : Application {
I store these first in a List of obects:
private List<object> legacyApps = new List<object>();
..this way:
if (ldbc.appIsLegacy(sPathOfExe)) {
legacyApp = new LegacyApplication(sApp, sTitle, sDesc, sIconFileName, sPathOfExe, appCategoriesForCurrentApp);
...and then I add them to the ListView on the main form this way:
foreach (LegacyApplication LegApp in legacyApps) {
...but the ListView does not display them. It displays the ListView Groups I've created (and each ListViewItem is assigned to one of those groups), but not the ListViewItems themselves...
Updated with requested info:
The constructor for the ListViewItem descendant looks like so:
public LegacyApplication(String AAppName, String ATitle, String ADesc, String AIconFileName, String APathOfExe, List<String> ACategories) {
base.Name = String.Format("legapplvi{0}", AAppName);
base.Text = ATitle; // "Title" is a short description - between exe name and Description
base.ToolTipText = ADesc;
// "base" above means ListViewItem; "base" below refers to our Application class*
base.Categories = ACategories;
base.ExePath = APathOfExe;
base.IconFileName = AIconFileName;
public string ExePath public string IconFileName public string Category public List Categories
LegacyApplication adds no further properties to (our) Application class.
I'm not sure what the respondent below means by "subitems" - the ListViewItems are subitems of the ListView Groups, perhaps...?
Updated with unrequested info (TMI?):
OK, I'm thinking I can add columns this way, once all the Groups are assigned to the ListView:
for(var item in listApplications.Groups) {
...but now, how do I add specific ListViewItems to particular columns?
Updated after getting it to (sort of) work:
Commenting out this:
listApplications.View = View.Details;
...gets the Items to show. HOWEVER, the Text is truncated, which caused me to pose another question here:
I need to display the entire Text of my ListViewItems (not truncated)
Did you try to create a ListViewItem first and then add into the List instead of using this.listApplications.Items.Add(LegApp);
Can you provide more details with a code snippet