I have a intranet application that print labels with Zebra tlp 2844 with the EPL language. I used the SharpZebra to do this codes. When i debug my code with the printer connected in lpt1 of my machine, everything works normally...But I need to publish my code in the server (Windows server 2008) and Print with another machine with contains another printer connected. How i do this ? I tried to share the printer and add in the server, but not work...When i try to print, it seems that the printer is not found...I need to do more some thing ?
I googled it, and not found a good answer...
I bought a print server and this resolve my question. I connected the printer in Print Server and the Server of the system recognized this printer.
I usually save the EPL or ZPL to a file and then just do a 'copyfile' to the UNC path of the printer. If SharpZebra lets you save it as a file you might try that. It works nicely to just copy the raw file to the printer. (I havent used SharpZebra).
If you can save the receipt design as raw ZPL text, you should be able to open the file and send it to the printer via a telnet connection. That would let you print to any networked zebra printer without the need for driver installation on the server.
With communication between sockets. You send the barcode string to client in the socket. IN the client side, make a socket. This listen in un port, and receive the data, and put this in the serial port.