I receive the error below when running the following function. The catch says the line where it opens the connection (Me.OracleConn.Open()).
I have made sure that the server exists in the TNSNAMES.ora file.
Imports NetOracle = System.Data.OracleClient
Private Property OracleConn As NetOracle.OracleConnection
Private Function Connect_To_Oracle() As Boolean
Connect_To_Oracle = False
'Me.OracleConn = New NetOracle.OracleConnection
Me.OracleConn = New System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection
Me.OracleConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source = (DESCRIPTION=" & _
"(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = servername.net)(PORT = ####)))" & _
"User Id=user_name;Password=password;"
Connect_To_Oracle = True
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Oracle Connection Error:" & ex.Message)
End Try
End Function
Check the permissions of your $ORACLE_HOME: read more at: http://oraclepoint.com/oralife/2010/08/19/oracle-odbc-connection-issue-of-system-exception-ocienvcreate-failed-with-return-code-1-on-windows-with-asp/
Have you tried using ODP.Net without TNSNames? I find it quite easier than struggling with a txt file on your system...
The connection string would look something like this:
It's basically the same information that you put on the TNSNAMES but instead you put the connection info on your web.config.