codeigniter controller not recognizing passed variable

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I don't know if I formulated this question correctly but let me try to explain myself better.
I have following menu on my page that outputs new result once new selection is choosen: select menus

Izaberite pol: and Izaberite studente: contains 3 options each oba, zenski, muski and oba, stari, novi respectively.

I've added some Javascript to recognise option changing and automatically call controller action:

$("select.filter").change(function () {
    var str = "";
    $("select option:selected").each(function () {
        str += $(this).attr('value') + "/";

As you can see from Javacript code it will call controller's Login trust function:

public function trust($tabela="letnji",$pol="oba", $student="oba"){

    $data['rezultat']=  $this->prijava_model->zgrabi_tabelu($tabela,$pol,$student);

    $prijavljen = $this->session->userdata('prijavljen');
        $this->load->view('prijava/trust.php', $data);  

Further you will notice that it uses Prijava_model model's zgrabi_tabelu function:

function zgrabi_tabelu($tabela,$pol,$student){

    if($pol=="oba" && $student="oba")
        $upit = $this->db->get($tabela);
    else if($pol!="oba" && $student!="oba")
    else if($pol!="oba" && $student=="oba")
        $upit=$this->db->get_where($tabela, array('pol'=>$pol));
    else if( $pol=="oba" && $student!="oba")
        ;//$upit=$this->db->get_where($tabela, array('stari_novi_student'=>$student));

    foreach($upit->result() as $red){
        array_push($upit_rezultat, $red);

    return $upit_rezultat;

And I think that here in the model's zgrabi_tabelu function lies problem as every possible combination works fine, except for the last one, when I try to grab data by changing only last selection menu Izaberite studente: leaving all other options intact:

doesn't work1 && doesn't work2 WILL NOT WORK

but when I change previous field Izaberite pol: to anything beside Oba it will work fine:


And lastly let me provide you with HTML of menu items:

    <label>Izaberite kurs:</label>
    <select class="kurs" id="kurs_datum">
        <option value="letnji" selected='selected'>Letnji kurs(27.6 - 7.7.2012)</option>
        <option value="jesenji" >Jesenji kurs(10.10 - 21.10.2012)</option>
    <label>Izaberite pol:</label>
    <select class="filter" id="pol">
        <option value="oba" selected='selected'>Oba</option>
        <option value="zenski" >Ženski</option>
        <option value="muski" >Muški</option>
    <label>Izaberite studente:</label>
    <select class="filter" id="student">
        <option value="oba" selected='selected'>Oba</option>
        <option value="novi" >Novi</option>
        <option value="stari" >Stari</option>

Hope this makes sense. I will gladly clarify this further if necessary.
Any help appreciated.

2012-04-03 19:51
by daniel.tosaba
when you say not work, what do you mean? what is the response in the network tab/firebug? is the ajax not working or is it a problem with your server side code - Rooster 2012-04-03 20:32
I mean that when I choose any of those 2 combination on above images output doesn't update, even though page controller's function gets executed and page loaded, so I think it is something wrong with the logic inside model's zgrabi_tabelu function but I cannot see what.. Thank - daniel.tosaba 2012-04-03 21:33


function zgrabi_tabelu($tabela,$pol,$student){

if($pol=="oba" && $student="oba")
    $upit = $this->db->get($tabela);
else if($pol!="oba" && $student!="oba")
else if($pol!="oba" && $student=="oba")
    $upit=$this->db->get_where($tabela, array('pol'=>$pol));
else if( $pol=="oba" && $student!="oba")
    ;//$upit=$this->db->get_where($tabela, array('stari_novi_student'=>$student));

foreach($upit->result() as $red){
    array_push($upit_rezultat, $red);

return $upit_rezultat;

You left out a = on the first line...

if($pol=="oba" && $student="oba")

should be

if($pol=="oba" && $student=="oba")

I believe the IF function will return false because its a false operator.

2012-04-03 21:27
by David Lawrence
Yes!!! That's all I needed, Eagle's eyes!!! Thanks for looking into it my friend - daniel.tosaba 2012-04-03 21:38
No problem, bud!

Stay cool - David Lawrence 2012-04-03 21:44


In your jquery call to open a new window, i think you want to remove that comma and put a slash there

so change this:""+str,"_self");

2012-04-03 20:51
by Catfish
I don't see how that can be problem if it works for any other combination beside those two I listed above??? Am I missing something here?? Thank - daniel.tosaba 2012-04-03 21:29
Well, he is right, its correct to change this, but it wont break anything if it isnt corrected - David Lawrence 2012-04-03 21:45


An additional note, where you're calling your view '$this->load->view('prijava/trust.php', $data);' - should trust.php not be just trust - CI adds .php to the end when 'requiring' in views.

2012-04-03 21:27
by user1297515
It doesn't matter either way. With or without the .php it will use the same file. At least with code igniter 2.x - David Lawrence 2012-04-03 21:36
Merely an observation, I don't put .ph - user1297515 2012-04-05 08:40