I have a "Download file" href defined in my javascript file as:
$("#downloadTag").html("<a href=data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(data) + ">Download</a>");
In chrome it works as expected i.e. when I click on this download link it gives file name as "download.csv". However, in firefox, it puts some gibberish name like "puzdb.part".
Could someone please point me what I am doing wrong?
Edit: Here is the jsfiddle demo: http://jsfiddle.net/kLJz9/
Edit #2: I noticed that on windows it does not put .csv extension for chrome as well and behavior for firefox is still same (i.e. .part extension)
For Chrome you can designate the file name/extension by adding a download attribute to your anchor tag.
<a href="URI" download="MyFile.csv">Download</a>
This attribute only works in chrome v 14+ and no other browser.
I am also looking for a solution to this problem, but I hope this helps.
the download attribute should fix the issue you are having on windows machines and chrome.