I am getting an error when calling obliqueRF from the obliqueRF package in CRAN, what could it be or how can I look into it more?

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I played around with it for a while and fixed it by changing the data.frame to a matrix*

I loaded up the package and following the function documentation I ran:

m.ob = obliqueRF(x=some.data.frame, y=as.factor(some.vector))
tests regularization parameter "lambda" for 10^(c(-5:5)) with separate explicit ridge regressions.
Error in is.nan(as.vector(x)) : 
default method not implemented for type 'list'

I'm not sure why this is happening because some.data.frame (I checked) is a data.frame and some.vector is an appropiate vector?

I played around with it for a while and fixed it by changing the data.frame to a matrix*

2012-04-03 19:39
by Palace Chan
Rather than editing your question, you should post this as an answer (and then accept it) so that it's more easily apparent that you solved your problem - joran 2012-04-03 20:05


Change the data.frame to a matrix

2012-04-16 14:55
by Palace Chan